Annual Minerals Survey Webinar

Thursday 25th May @ 2pm Via Teams

The British Aggregates Association is delighted to present this webinar in partnership with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and presented by Christina Davey. 


Webinar Details:
The government recognises the important role the minerals sector plays in delivering a wide range of its objectives. National planning policy is clear that it is essential that there is a sufficient supply of minerals to provide the infrastructure, buildings, energy and goods that the country needs, and to support this, it sets out minerals planning authorities should plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates. To do this in a robust and effective way, mineral planning authorities rely on data provided by mineral operators as part of their annual minerals surveys. 

This webinar aims to raise awareness about how the data provided as part of those surveys plays a vital role in supporting the minerals planning system at both a local, regional and national level.

Christina joined Devon County Council as a Graduate Planner in 2008 and has since gained a wide variety of experience in planning policy. She was appointed as Principal Planning Officer – Minerals and Waste Policy in August 2019. In this role Christina represented Devon County Council at the South West Aggregate Working Party, was responsible for the preparation of the Local Aggregate Assessment and coordinated input for the 2019 Aggregate Mineral Survey. In November 2021 Christina commenced a secondment at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as Minerals and Waste Team Leader, with this role being made permanent in April 2023.

Register For The Annual Minerals Survey Webinar

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