British Aggregates Association

- Annual Accident Report 2024

It is very important that all of our members and associates take part in this exercise. Every submission is treated in the strictest of confidence and only the BAA Director of Health and Safety has access to them. Your cooperation is very much appreciated and greatly adds to the credibility of the BAA as an organisation.

As part of a Strategic Forum/QNJAC initiative, the BAA is committed to sharing anonymous incident data in order that the industry can more accurately target relevant guidance. This forms part of an initiative recommended to the industry by the HSE who, as a result, would recognise the stringent efforts being made to reduce incidents and improve the health and safety performance of the industry.

  • Please complete as much of the form as possible.
  • As an absolute minimum the total number of legally reportable RIDDOR accidents and dangerous occurrences should be reported (rows 3 and 4).
  • The head count data (row 6) will be used in calculating accident frequency rates.

Please Note “Category definitions are shown below the form, there have been slight changes from past reporting”

Please note that all information on
this form will be treated as strictly confidential


1. Fatal incidents:

All RIDDOR reportable fatal incidents.

2. Lost time injury incident (LTI):

This is where, as a result of a work-related injury, a person is unfit for work for more than one day (or shift), excluding the day of the injury. This is a change from previous BAA reporting where we used to report all injuries in the accident book, please note this is no longer the case, you should report true LTI’s only.

3. RIDDOR reportable injury

This is simply any injury that you have reported that meets the criteria of being reportable under RIDDOR. It includes all specified injuries and all ‘over 7 day’ injuries. 

4. RIDDOR reportable Dangerous Occurrences

Again, this is simply any defined occurrence that meets the reporting criteria under RIDDOR.

5. total number of days lost

This is the total number of days lost for all RIDDOR and LTI incidents added together.

6. Site head count

The total number of people working on the site, including all contractors, office staff and supervisors/managers. It should not include those working in head office, only those on the actual sites.