Assessment of Operating Standards
The Association launched its scheme for assessing operating standards in 2007 and since this date it has grown in strength to the point where the majority of the membership is engaged within the scheme. To date the total number of certificates of compliance that have been issued stands at 42 and a total of 55 assessments have been carried out.
The Scheme provides third party accreditation to members’ operations, demonstrating that the operating standards in their quarries meet the standards necessary to demonstrate that they are being managed and operated competently. The scheme is not a basis for demonstrating personal competence because it is the competence of the team running the quarry that will be assessed. Nor is the scheme a detailed safety audit because it would not be possible to achieve this in a typically one or two day visit. The scheme will provide an independent expert view on the safety of quarry operations and more generally whether the level of compliance with health & safety legislation in general meets an acceptable standard. It is not intended to replace your existing health & safety management arrangements but to provide the owner/operator with reassurance that his arrangements do achieve the required effect, or identify clearly any points that require attention.
Additionally, the Assessment Process will develop into a continuous self improvement process, which will promote the spread of “Best Practice” through the membership. It is for this reason that the scheme is organised on the basis of a tri-annual assessment so that the process is repeated on a 3-year cycle. A Certificate of Compliance is issued at the end of the first cycle and is valid for 3 years as long as there are no significant changes in processing plant, management or operator.
For further details regarding the scheme, whether or not you are a member of the BAA, please contact Roy Bush at