Stand up and be counted – April 2022

Stand up and be counted By Simon Turner, Campaign Manager for the Driving for Better Business programme Leadership in driver risk management takes many forms but there are two that stand out above the others. The first is a solid and authentic commitment from those at the top of the business. The second is making […]

Is this really how we do things round here? – April 2022

Is this really how we do things round here?

By Simon Turner, Campaign Manager for the Driving for Better Business programme Culture can be defined as ‘the way we do things round here’. When new people start working for an organisation, they’ll look around them at how things are done and copy the prevailing behaviours. If they see corners being cut, they’ll cut corners […]

Sometimes it’s good to go round in circles – February 2022

By Simon Turner, Campaign Manager for the Driving for Better Business programme It’s not always obvious where to start with managing driver risk. After all, there are so many different areas that need to be tackled. And how do we know whether what we’re doing is good or bad, or whether we have any glaring […]

Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery

Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery Simon Turner – Campaign Manager, Driving for Better Business Simon is a strategic marketing and communications specialist, working with Driving for Better Business to make a real impact in the reduction of work-related road risk. His objectives as Campaign Manager are focused on the safety and […]